Photo of Mike Hill and Lorna
of WestWyck Ecovillage
This is my second post to this blog.
Native American food bed, Mediterranean food bed
Here are some thoughts about the garden, by Lincoln.
From: "Lincoln Kern"
Subject: [wsps-bg:24] Re: Vegie Garden at Wales St, meet Fri 9Mar07 9.15am -
notice for newsletter
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2007 09:48:41 +1100
G'day All
I am keen to help on the veggie garden project but won't be able to get to
the meeting on Friday.
My two cents:
The easy part is design and installation of the physical bits...all it is a
good fence, raised beds, maybe propagation greenhouse, tool shed and water
infrastructure...and the state government has a grant for this...
The hard part is incorporation into the school curriculum and the ongoing
parental and staff involvement to make it a vibrant program over time. I
believe the State Government Grants include money for a part-time teacher
the first year or two but ongoing people resources are the issue as I see
I already have plenty of ideas to make it interesting:
- A bed of native American crops - corn, beans and pumpkins - and do some food around that.
- Grow a Mediterranean food bed and get some nonnas to come share their recipes.
- Other food themes and more parents to guide cooking.
- Teach how organic works and do trials with scientific methods on pest control techniques.
- Measure carbon uptake to offset greenhouse gases in soils.
Lincoln Kern
Managing Director
Practical Ecology Pty. Ltd.
P. O. Box 228
Preston Victoria 3072
Ph. 03 9484 1555
Fax 03 9484 9133
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